Planets Sun Sun Sun

Friday, October 8, 2010

Choose two



Everytime I saw any pretty girl I will tell my mum she must be stupid. (Because that seems to be the norm) But then she will scold me for stop saying that, and then I tell her if she is pretty and smart, she won't be very happy, i.e. won't have a blissful marriage life. 

You agree with me? You better agree...... Since this is the first theory I form in my life. And you can find someone who has this three together, tell me, and I will violate my theory.

Consider I have decent looking face, and not so smart brain, I reckon i will be happy  next time.

Wasn't really happy with my result, sometime I just have no fucking idea what does that tutor mean by a 'good essay', my mark is like a roller coaster, effing emo.

I know I didn't update my blog, sowwwyyyy, so effing busy.

P/s: Pretty, as if naturally, no plastic surgery
P/p/s: Smart as if .... high IQ, or..... just smart lah
p/p/p/s: Happy, as if she herself is happy, not like everyone reckon she will be happy

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